What you are about
to read are actual letters and stories from people all over the world,
who have had encounters, sightings or weird happenings and have felt
compelled to write
their stories to this website. Stories can range from Bigfoot drinking from an outdoor fountain, carrying away your garden umbrella or crossing the street and everything in between.
Some names are withheld, wholly or in
part, as requested.
We reserved the right to edit letters for correctness and readability. The opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of the website owner but are place here in an effort to promote interest and provoke thought.
No claim is made here as to the veracity of these stories & urban legends
...very few warranted further investigation... |
Last updated September 2012
Alabama, Cleburne County footprints found
Alabama, Clarke County 1977
Alaska, Berner's Bay North of Juneau
Alaskan Bridge-Kamchatka, Russia hunting story
Kiseralik River
Alaska Magazine's "Hairy Man"
Alaska, Nome Pilot Second-hand Story Wife Abducted
Alaska, Thomas Bay Strangest story ever told...
Alaska, Turnagain, Anchorage Borough 1955
Alaska, Wrangell a goldminer's story is no longer available
Alaska, Wrangell 1993 stories by Dana Jacallen
Arizona, Coconino County 2009 Distant sighting
Arizona, Gila County, Tonto Creek
Arizona, Huachuca Mountains Cochise County 2012 
Arizona, Kayenta Skinwalker Legend
Arizona, White Mountain Apaches go public ...2006
Arizona, Yavapai County, screamer terrorizes ranchers
Arkansas ...no county listed 1994
Arkansas, Boone County
Arkansa, Calhoun County 2007 
Arkansas, Carroll County
Arkansas, Franklin County 2002

Arkansas, Franklin County, Ozark 1966 
Arkansas, Grant County 2010 
Arkansas, Johnson County 2002, shooting
Arkansas, Johnson County, Clarksville -The Elkins Whistler

Arkansas, Johnson County, Low Gap, Clarksville 2005 
Arkansas, Marion County 1961

Arkansas, Miller County Fouke 1968 
Arkansas, Montgomery County 2008 
Arkansas, Montgomery County - Mt. Ida 2002 
Arkansas, Ouachita County 1940's
Arkansas, Polk County (Mena)
Arkansas, Saline County sighting by a lineman 1990 
Arkansas, Saline County Benton 1993 
Arkansas, Sharp County 2000 Bigfoot runs along side truck
Arkansas, Staytonville, Sebastian County 1992 
Arkansas, Story, Montgomery 2006 
Arkansas, Woodruff County 2007

Australia, 2 older accounts revealed
Australia, Southeastern Queensland 1984
Bauman Story, The
Bayanov thoughts, June 2005
B.C. Prince George 2005
Bernardo Giant, The
Bella Coola, BC - Clayton Mack's Stories
Big Foot, AKA Starr Wilkerson ...a Betty Allen article 1959
Bigfoot Casebook, The (Bord 1982)
Titmus Eulogy
Bob Titmus -- an old Larry Battson story
Buhs writes on Bob Titmus
Byrne writes on Bob Titmus 2009
Byrne writes on Loren Coleman 2002
California Bigfoot Organization '70's
Captured Wild Man 1830 with 2 cubs
CA. -A Night in the Sierras
CA. -Altadena
CA. -Butte County 1969
CA. - Big Rock Canyon (San Gabriel Mtns)
CA. - Calaveras County 1948
CA. -
Calaveras County 1970
CA. -Calaveras County 1973
CA. -Calaveras County October 2010 Alpine Lake
CA. -Caribou Wilderness Area
CA. -Cloverdale
CA. -Concow (Near Lake Oroville)
CA. -Crescent City
CA. -Comment Edwards Air Force Base
CA. - Del Norte Cnty 2012
CA - Del Norte County - 16" snow tracks 2005
CA. -East Lake, Mono Country
CA. -El Dorado County 1984
CA. - El Dorado County 2004
CA. -Edward's Air Force Base Surveillance
CA. -Eureka 1896
CA. -Fontana, (Lytle Creek)
CA. -Fontana Spdway, San Bernardino Cnty
CA. -Fort Bragg, Mendocino County
CA. -Fort Bragg/Mendocino County
CA. -Fresno County, Shaver Lake brief sighting 2012 
CA. -Fresno County, Shaver Lake tracks found 1983 
CA. -Humboldt County
CA. -Humboldt County, Trinidad 2007
CA. -Hayfork, Trinity County 1968
CA. -Inyo County, Bishop Campgrnd closed
CA. -Jones Camp -1967
CA. -Kennedy Meadows 1970's
CA. -Kern Valley
CA. -Kern County Kern River Valley scream & tracks
CA. -King Range 2001
CA. -Klamath
CA. -Lake Hughes
CA. -Lake Isabella
CA. -Lake Tahoe
CA. -Lassen County
CA. -Little River State Beach, Humboldt
CA. -Los Angeles, Azusa Canyon 1987
CA. -Lucern Valley
CA. -Nightstalker At Edwards AFB
CA. -Northern California 2004
CA. -Mendocino County - Covelo, 1971 
CA. -Mendocino Nat'l Forest, Covello 2001
CA. -Mendocino County
CA. -Mendocino County, Sonoma 2003
CA. -Monster of Dead Man's Hole, The
CA. -Montgomery Woods, Mendocino Cnty
CA. -Mountain Ranch, Calaveras County 1987 - screamer
CA. -Mt. Shasta
CA. -Mt. Shasta
CA. -Northern California-Oregon border - kidnapping
CA. -Orleans, Humboldt County 1980 excellent detail
CA. -Pacific Crest Trail -Trinity Alps 1977
CA. -Paradise & Sterling City
CA. -Placerville
CA. -Placer County Lake Tahoe 2007 18x9 inch tracks
CA. -Plumas County, Buck's Lake 1996
CA. -Quincy, Plumas County
CA. -Red Cinder Peak Fire Caribou Wilderness
CA. -Redding, Shasta County
CA. -Riverside County -Temecula Vail Lake 2011
CA. -San Bernardino, 1993
CA. -San Bernardino, c.1994
CA. -Santa Clarita Valley 1974
CA. -San Diego County Flynn Springs 1951
CA. -San Diego County Flynn Springs 1960's
CA. -San Diego County Back Country - 1979
CA. -San Diego County, Julian
CA. -Saugus
CA. -Shasta County Wildwood Short Story
CA. -Shasta/Trinity Nat'l Forest, Mad River - rocks thrown
CA. -Sierra National Forest
CA. -Sierra National Forest 2009 Photos
CA. -Siskiyou County 2009 Tracks, Indian Crk Rd
CA. -Siskiyou County 1996
CA. -Siskiyou County 1896 Hermit of the Siskiyous
CA. -Siskiyou County 2006
couple sees young BF
CA. -Siskiyou County Etna May 2009
CA. -Sonoma County 1980 terrifying screams
CA. Southern Calif. Native American Legends
CA. Tehama County, 1977
CA. -Trinity County 2009 near Big Bar
CA. -Trinity County Yolla Bolly Wilderness 1989
CA. -Trinity County near Weaverville 1994
CA. -Tulure County
CA. -Tulare County, Sequoia Kings Canyon
CA. -Tuolumne County Kennedy Meadows 2009
CA., Tuolumne County, Yosemite prints found 2007
CA. -Vacaville
CA. -Willits, Mendocino County 2008 Questionable...
CA. -Yosemite 1990
CA. -Yuba County, Oregon House 1981 - tracks found
CA. -Yuba-Feather River
CA. -Zoobies In San Diego County (Alpine)
Can Bigfoot be Killed?
Canada, Alberta 2001 - possible sighting
Canada, Bruce Peninsula, Ontario - 2012 
Canada, Grande Cache, Alberta April 2011, snow tracks
Canada, Algonquin Park, Ontario 1999
Canada, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario 2010
Canada, British Columbia a bowhunter story
Canada, British Columbia the Harrison Sasquatch
Canada, First Perspective, article w/stories
Canada, Haliburton, Ontario 2006 tracks found
Canada, Kenora, Ontario 2008 six toed track
Canada, Waterton Natl Park, Alberta 2002
Canada, Laidlaw - Mighty Fraser
Canada, Late At Night
Canada, Logan Lake near Kamloop ..approx -1999-2000
Canada, Madoc, Ontario February 2012 two sightings 
Canada, Pitt Lake British Columbia
Canada, PItt Lake 24" x 12" wide tracks, 1965
Canada, Penticton BC Tracks found
Canada, Prince Edward County 1975
Canada, Northern Ottawa Ontario
Canada, NW Ontario 1968 Boogeyman story
Canada, Red Deer area Alberta 2005 9 ft image
Canada, Saskatchewan
Canada, Sea Bird Island, B.C., The Fraser
Canada, Wawa Ontario 2007 tracks found
Canada, Teapot Hill Hiking Trail Cultus Lake Park 2012 
Canada, "The story of On-sag, the wood-friend"
Casebook, The Bord Sightings...
Colorado's San Luis Valley near New Mexico
Colorado, Colorado Springs, U.S.A.F.A 1991
Colorado, Goat-gulch story 2008
Colorado, Pueblo County July 2005
Colorado, Gunnison/Hinsdale County Line
Colorado, Delta County Paonia approx 1977
Colorado, San Isabel Nat'l Forest - 2000
Colorado, San Juan Nat'l Forest 2000 sighting
Colorado, San Miguel County 2001
Disappearing Bigfoot?
Dmitri Bayanov to Dr. Helmut Loofs-Wissowa
Doug Tarrant's Experiences as told to Bayanov 2010
Earliest recorded sighting?
Florida, Broward County, Alligator Alley 1960
Florida, St. Augustine
Florida, Lee County 2009 tracks found
Florida, Miami-Dade County Homestead
Georgia, Dahlonega, Lumpkin County 2006
Georgia, Alcovy
Georgia, Elkins Creek Evidence
Georgia, Flint River story by Wayne Ford
Hawaii's Little People, The Menehune 1986
Houma, Louisiana
India, Northern - Himalayan demons
Idaho, Adams County 2009
Idaho, Athol, Kootenai County 1997
Idaho. Bannock County 2012
Idaho, Bonner County 1970's

Idaho, Valley County Buckhorn Lake
Idaho, Caribou County Deer Hunter
Idaho, Salmon River Rock Hurling Story
Idaho, Salmon River
Idaho, Sawmill Canyon scream heard
Idaho, Shoshone County trail tape caper 2012
Illinois, Cook County 1975 man recalls "weed monster"
Illinois, Farmington, Fulton County 1967
Illinois, Pekin
Illinois, Washington County, Nashville July 2010
Indiana, Near Indianapolis, 2007
Indiana, Putnam County April 2007 mushroom pickers
Indiana, Putnam County 2007
Indiana, Putnam County Indiana 1990
Indiana, Cloverdale Putnam County May 2007
Indiana, Morgan County 1983
Indiana, Parke County Indiana 2007
Indiana, Putnam County Morton August 2007 10 ft charge
Indiana, Wayne County
Indiana, Wabash County
Iowa, Clinton County October 2006 River Sighting
Iowa, Dallas County, Central Iowa
Iowa, Southern Iowa
John Bringsli Story, Nelson B.C. 1960
Kentucky, Anderson County 2012 
Kentucky. Harlan County -sighting w/hairs
Kentucky, Menifee-Morgan County lines BF Chases ATV
Letter from Valentin Sapunov, Russia
Louisiana, Claiborne Parish
Louisiana, Dry Prong -Little River Swamp
Luxembourg Stills "before
& after"
Maine, Piscataquis County
Maine Ridge Monster, The
Maine, The Meddybemp Howler story... 2006
Maine, Bemis 2004
Maine, Beddeford in York County 1951
Maine, KezarFalls, Oxford County 1977
Maine, Freedom, Knox County 2009
Maryland, Frostburg, Allegany County 2001
Maryland, Howard County 2010, M/F sighting
Massachusetts, W. Berkshire County 2012 w/photos 
Mexico, Chihuahua Sierra Madre Mountain Range
Michigan, There's no BF in U.P. 2007 Letter to Editor
Minnesota, Grand Marais, Cook County 2011
Minnesota, Lake County 2002
Minnesota, Ottertail County 2006
Mississippi, Columbus
Mississippi, Lauderdale County - Night Terror
Missouri, Camden County 2012
Missouri, Clark National Forest
Missouri, Clay County, Kearney 1980's
Missouri, Dent County strange sounds
Missouri, Franklin County 1969 - nine rounds fired
Missouri, Franklin County 2004 - white BF
Missouri, Platte County cornfield sighting July 2012 
Missouri St. Charles County
Missouri, Taney County 2004 Bow hunting incident
Montana, Kiowa Camp Blackfeet Country 2006
Montana, Lincoln County Fire Tower 2005
Montana, Tragedy of Fires, 2000 (pic)
Montana -Big Sky Country
Montana - Sanders County 2003 16x8 inch tracks...
Mysterious Nepalese Event
Nevada, Wendover Elko County 2006
New Brunswick, York County Canada 2008
New Hampshire, Carroll County Ossipee Range
New Hampshire, Merrimack County
New Hampshire, Merrimack County
New Hampshire, Moultonboro
New Jersey, Story: Sasquatch in a crate
New Mexico Video shot by Tennessee boys 2007
New York, Ohio, Herkimer County
New York, Ohio Herkimer County 2008
York, Moreau
New York, Chenango County 1961
New York, Delaware County
New York, Warren County 1989
New York, Westchester County - The "Leatherman"
North Carolina's "Knobby" 1979
North Dakota, McHenry County Velva 1908
North Fork, Yuba-Feather River
Northwest Territories
Ohio, Harrison County, March 2009 Baby track photo
Ohio, The Legend of "Orange-eyes"
Ohio, Chief Little Soldier's story, 2009
Ohio, Coshocton County Oct. 2010 marine sees BF
Ohio, Morgan County Grassman encounter 2012
Ohio, Portage County 2009 tracks and BF seen
Oklahoma, Caddo County story 2003
Oklahoma, Cleveland County 2010
Oklahoma, McIntosh County Skinwalker Description 
Oklahoma, Murray County Near Dougherty 1993 
Oklahoma, Le Flore County 2006-7
Oklahoma, Woodward County 1980's...
Oklahoma, Pontotoc County, Ada ...
Onondago Indian Reservation
Oregon, Benton County 2002
Oregon, Lincoln County 3 Rocks
Oregon, Clackamas County peach pits in scat
Oregon, Clackamas County 1986 Beavercreek
Oregon, Clackamas County "A Cliff Olson true story"
Oregon, Clackamas County Mt Lowe 2005
Oregon, Deschutes County -Three Sisters 2007
Oregon, Deschutes County - near Biggs

Oregon, Fish Mtn, South Umpqua River 1857
Oregon, Jackson County Union Creek 2001
Oregon, Josephine County, Talikma, 1996
Oregon, Klamath County sighting/rock throwing

Oregon, Lane County 1975
Oregon, Lane County 2008
Oregon, Lane County 1988
Oregon, Linn County, Sweet Home 2010
Oregon, Mt. Hood - Whatum Lake
Oregon, Thompson's Flat, Sixes River Miner found dead...
Oregon, Tualatin
Oregon, Umatilla NF. Mottet Campground 2009
Oregon, Wallowa County 2006 roadside sighting 
Panama, The Hairy Beast of Darien... very scary
Patterson Film Debunking
Pennsylvania, Lackawanna County 2001
Philippines, Island of Luzon
Prince Edward Island Story & Video
Rhode Island, Providence County 2002
River Filming
Rocky Bemis Story With Old Articles, The
Rory Zoerb Story,
South Carolina, Sighting
South Carolina, Henry's Knob Mountain
Sumatra, Duri
Tennessee, Blount County vocalization only
Tennessee, Hawkins County multiple witnesses
Tennessee, Monroe County
Tennessee, Stewart County
Texas: A White Sasquatch Encounter
Texas, Bandera County Texas Hill Country...
Texas, Old Weird Sound Stories
Texas, Anderson County 2001
Texas, Big Cypress Bayou 2004
Texas, Bexar County 1973
Texas, Fort Bend County 2006
Texas, Harris County 'The Big Thicket'
Texas, Marion County near Jefferson
Texas, Navarro County, Corsicana
Texas Ranger's strange excerpt 1850
Texas, Wheeler County Story 2003
Thailand, Phibun 1986 Two creatures observed
Utah, Salt Lake County 1998
Utah, Utah County Tibble Lake 2008 
Vermont, second hand brief sighting I-91 
Vietnam, The Nguoi Rung
Virginia, Hawksbill, Shenandoah Mtns 1998
Virginia, SW Secluded Cabin Creature spotted
Washington, Benton County
Washington, Blue Mountains...
Washington, Bossburg Tracks - Skew Foot
Washington, Centralia
Washington, Chelan Cnty Hiker sees Bigfoot
Washington, Clark County in Yacolt
Washington, Clark County August 2006 strange story
Washington, Starbuck, Columbia County
Washington, Cowman of Copalis Beach GREAT STORY
Washington, Cowlitz County 'bar
Washington, Cowlitz County Fisherman story 2001
Washington, Davis Lake
Washington, Ferry County
Washington, Ferry County ongoing tracks, sounds
Washington, Ferry County 1991
Washington, Fort Lewis Army Base sighting
Washington, Fort Lewis Army Base Sighting
Washington, Fort Lewis Army Base 2008
latest update
Washington, Grays Harbor County 1978
Washington, Graham
Washington, Gifford Pinchot snowmobilers
Washington, Jefferson County Dose Meadows
Washington, King County 1998
Washington, King County 2001
Washington, Kitsap County 2001 David Mills Story
Washington, Lewis County 2010 ..screams heard
Washington, Okanogan County, Nighthawk fighting
Washington, the Pete Luther Story
Washington, Brian Smith & Jason Neilsen 2002
Washington, Silliquamish River
Washington, Skamania County
Washington, Skamania Cnty Datus Perry remembered
Washington, Snohomish County Goliath 1989
Washington, Stevens County 2012
Washington, Grant County- 2000
Washington, Walla Walla County Sheryl Jenkins Story
Washington, Walla Walla ...BF does not hibernate
Washington, Western Washington State
Washington, Whatcom County 2007
Washington, Whatcom County -Lummi Indian Reservation
Washington, Whidbey Island sighting in the 1970's...
Washington, Yakima 3 letters to Roger Patterson
Washington, Yakima County 2010
West Virginia, Braxton County 1978 Burnsville
West Virginia Jackson County 2006
West Virginia Jackson Cnty Hunting report
West Virginia, Marion County 1999
West Virginia, Richie County 1981
West Virginia, Rowlesburg, Preston County 1951 
West Virginia, Upshur County stick-structure 2009
Wild Man of Samoa, The Joe Kennedy
Wisconsin, Chequamegon Forest, 2006 Toddler
Wisconsin, Ashland County Apostle Islands 2005
Wisconsin, Wood County Bigfoot or Wildman?
Wisconsin, Wood County 1985 McMillan Marsh 
Wisconsin, Waukesha County, Delafield 1961
Wisconsin, Waukesha County 2006
Wisconsin, Eagle, Waukesha County 2012
Wyoming, Teton County, Jackson Hole 1968
Wyoming, Albany County 2001 Snowy Range
Yukon Territory, Leonard Jack Thomas Story
See other listings?
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