Nearest City to sighting is Freedom, ME Route 137
Heading Towards Albion Maine from Freedom Maine...
I was slowing down to look at 2 trucks for sale at a residence. As I pulled in front of the trucks, about 200ft ahead in the road, a very tall, hairy creature crossed the road and entered the woods.
At first, I did not believe what I saw. I drove to the spot it went into the woods and got out of the truck and walked to the tree line. I could hear branches breaking and saw some movement, but was too far in to make it out again.
It was about 7 Ft. tall, dark and hairy. The body had longer hair, but the face had shorter hair like a young gorilla has. It spooked me for a while and did not mention it to anyone until a few days later. 
The date this happened
was December 1, 2009
P.R. Small Sr.
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