Bigfoot Encounters

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Litchfield County, January 2002

Windham County, Fall 2002

Windham County, July 1997

Hartford County, Bristol 2005
sighting of a young sasquatch

Hartford County, Bristol 2004 two footprints found August 2004

Hartford County, Plainville 1964 a white sasquatch reported

Fairfield County, Danbury 1978
22 inch cast by police

Fairfield County, Trumbull 1978 white BF reported running and tracks found

Tolland County, Ellington 1982 newspaper blurb...

New Haven County, Naugatuck 1898
Newspaper clipping...

Connecticut's "
Leatherman" - - a tale from the late 1800's endures in Putnam and Westchester Counties; perhaps the man was mistaken for sasquatch on his lonely journey?

Also see "stories"

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