Film and Video Information
Featured Footage of the month: Excellent Utah video footage, 30 minutes in length,
well worth watching; shows hair length, wads of
short hair, multiple snow tracks and towards the
end there is a discovery of a body imprint in snow where
the Sasquatch apparently laid down to rest.
Coon hunter Dustin records his sighting that happened in July of 2011 in Henderson County, Kentucky...
Previously uploaded Video and film Information
1. The Mike Greene's Thermal Images of Sasquatch - 2009
2. Snelgrove Lake Cabin incident, Ontario Canada 2006
3. Snelgrove Lake Cabin incident, second witness...
4. David Paulides' presentation in Honobia, Oklahoma 2009
5. David Paulides part 1 talks at the Bigfoot Museum in Felton California June 2009
6. David Paulides part 2 in Felton, California at Mike Rugg's Bigfoot Museum 2009
7. David Paulides part 3 in Felton, California continued...
8. David Paulides part 4 in Felton, California continued...
9. Forensic print expert Jimmy Chilcutt, Conroe Tx PD talks about BF foot prints
10. Dr. Jeff Meldrum on the midtarsal break issue 2008 Part 1
11. Dr. Jeff Meldrum on the midtarsal break issue 2008 Part 2
12. Dr. Jeff Meldrum on the midtarsal break issue 2008 Part 3
13. Dr. Jeff Meldrum on the midtarsal break issue 2008 Part 4
14. Dr. Jeff Meldrum on the midtarsal break and other tracks 2008 Part 5
15. Dr. Jeff Meldrum on the midtarsal break issue and other tracks Part 6
16. Mike Rugg discusses Gigantopitchecus' skull and jaw reconstructions...
17. A discussion between John Green, Rene Dahinden and Robert W. Morgan 1970's
18. Art Bell Radio: "The Bugs Story" in Texas" Sorry - the host site deleted this info!
19. The Patterson subject right shoulder anomaly...
20. Dale Graham sighting recounted in Burley, Idaho
21. Clynn Josephson sighting recounted near Oxford Peak - southeastern Idaho 1980
22. Bob Gimin at Don Keating's Salt Fork, Ohio Conference May 2010 Part One
23. Bob Gimlin at Don Keating's Salt Fork, Ohio Conference May 2010 Part Two
24. Bob Gimlin at Don Keating's Salt Fork, Ohio Conference May 2010 Part Three
25. Bob Gimlin at Don Keating's Salt Fork, Ohio Conference May 2010 Part Four
26. Mike Rugg on the history of Sasquatch in the Santa Cruz Coastal Mtns
27. Mike Rugg on the hair color of the Yeti and the Sasquatch...
28. Mike Rugg on the nocturnal and diurnal Sasquatch activity...
29. Mike Rugg reviews Mary Green's book: "50 Years with Bigfoot"
30. Mike Rugg on a sighting report in the coastal community of Aptos, California
31. The Gable Film
32 Christopher Noel's The Vermont Project 2009 (wood-knocking etc)
33. Cleveland County, North Carolina witness 'rough-talks' a sasquatch...
34. Alan Landsburg's "Manbeasts, Myth or Monster?" with Peter C. Byrne 1978 Part one
35. Alan Landsburg's "Manbeasts, Myth or Monster?" with Byrne 1978 Part two skier disappears
36. Alan Landsburg's "Manbeasts, Myth or Monster?" Byrne 1978 Part three the man & yeti
37. Alan Landsburg's "Manbeasts, Myth or Monster?" Byrne 1978 Part four Byrne, Alan Berry
38. Alan Landsburg's "Manbeasts, Myth or Monster?" Byrne 1978 Part five yeti, iceman
39. Alan Landsburg's "Manbeasts, Myth or Monster?" Byrne 1978 Part six Bluff Creek
40. Alan Landsburg's "Manbeasts, Myth or Monster?" with Peter C. Byrne 1978 Part seven
41. Hoaxed by Penn & Teller, The Sonoma Footage story...2005
42. The Woodpile Sasquatch
43. M.K. Davis Interview with Al Hodgson Summer 2008 PART ONE
44. M.K. Davis Interview with Al Hodgson Summer 2008 PART TWO
45. M.K. Davis Interview with Al Hodgson Summer 2008 PART THREE
46. M.K. Davis Interview with Al Hodgson Summer 2008 PART FOUR
47. M.K. Davis Interview with Al Hodgson Summer 2008 CONCLUSION
48. Mike Rugg talks about Adrian Erickson & the possibility of feral humans...2010
49. The Legend of the Puk-wud-jies "Little People" of the forest
50. Bigfoot traps skunk in 6 inch irrigation pipe"
51. China's Search for the Wild Man Continues, October 2010
52. Mike Rugg summarizing the October 31st Bigfoot Busters BTR program w/Ketchum
53. Mike Greene talks again about Bigfoot in North Carolina Oct 2010
54. How to use a photo-trap game & trail infrared camera
55. The Minnesota Iceman, Heuvelman's called him a Neanderthal man
56. Mike Rugg talks about Adrian Erickson & feral humans
57. Video & stills of a trackway on a creek sandbar in British Columbia
58. Bigfoot search is on in Wilkes County N. Carolina
59. Tim Peeler's description of his encounter w/Sasquatch
60. San Antonio Police Dept release 911 phone call from homeless woman
61. Ketchikan, Alaska Video May 2011
62. Bruce McDonald, Randy Brisson recreate "stump photo" for Igor Burtsev May 13, 2011
63. Igor Burtsev & Bruce McDonald explore area previously know for Bigfoot activity....
64. M.K. Davis' stabilized version of the Patterson film 2007
65. The Bluegrass Bigfoot: Kentucky with notation re: The Erickson Project
66. The Justin Smeja Bigfoot Shooting - audio only - January 5, 2012
67. Mike Wooley describes his Louisiana encounter in this video 2010
68. Discussion of Bigfoot circa 1990's on Portland Oregon television April 30, 2012
69. Zack Ellenbogen's film "Believing Bigfoot" March 1, 2012
70. Dave Paulides discusses missing people in our National Parks (USA) April 17, 2012
71. Mike Wooley describes his Louisiana encounter in this video 2010 uploaded March 2012
72. Mike Rugg tells a sighting story - Ft. Knox, Kentucky, May 14, 2012
73. Vocalization recorded in Shawnee Nat'l Forest, uploaded June 20, 2012
74. Bigfoot Bootcamp video, Washington State...July 2012
75. MK Davis looks at the Freeman Footage
76. MK Davis STABILIZED the Paul Freeman Footage July 2012
77. Scott Carpenter captures Bigfoot on Plot Watcher Software, July 24 2012
78. Ro Sahebi's interview with Justin Smeja -
"Sierra Kills" Plumas County California Shooting of two Sasquatches in 2010
79. Mike Rugg talks about Dr. Bryan Sykes and his request for DNA samples
80. M.K. Davis discusses the Junk Man footage
81. M.K. Davis discusses 362 of the Patterson film (Patty's eyes)
82. Bobo Faye talks to Conan about Bigfoot DNA
83. Robert "Java Bob" Schmalzbach talks about the Ketchum and the late Richard Stubstad
84. The December 10th, 2012 radio interview with Dr. Melba Ketchum
85. New DNA videotape Melba Ketchum Dec 14, 2012
86. News feed: "Bigfoot DNA Found?"
87. Dr. Melba Ketchum discusses DNA on Coast to Coast December 23, 2012
88. Network television: ABC’s “Good Morning America”
89. Dr. Melba Ketchum on Coast to Coast Radio
Begin 2013...
90. Clipper Mills, California vocalization 
91. Film Analyst M.K. Davis details extended footage of the Pat film... 
92. Coon hunter Dustin records his sighting that happened in July of 2011 in Henderson County, Kentucky...
93. Utah snow tracks, hair and body imprint... March 2013 
Older footage:
1a. The Redwoods Film
2a. The Snow Walker Film
3a. Tracking Sasquatch, Video Clips of Dahinden's Search, December 21, 1976
4a. Reconstruction sequencing of the Patterson Film by Yvon Leclerc, 2003
5a. Bigfootville a Documentary set in Oklahoma 2002
6a. First News Article on the Patterson film
Read Film Narrations:
Ancient Mysteries Film, The Narration
The Quest, A Narration of the Film
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