Comments & photograph stills taken from the Snow Walker Footage:
The Snow Walker film footage was one of the most elaborate hoax footage ever produced. It was created by the Fox Television Network, the same network that created the Alien Autopsy hoax video.
The footage was created for Paramount's UPN show, Paranormal Borderland, ostensibly by the show'a producers. The show ran from March 12 to August 6, 1996. Its origins had nothing to do with Fox Television, although Fox purchased and used the footage in their later program on The World's Greatest Hoaxes.
The video
is no longer available online....sorry. However, many search engines make it easy to access the infamous footage. The best part is, you don't need an information technology MBA to access these online video clips!"
The 3 Snow Walker photographs below, are 'stills' from the videotape
of the film.

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From the files of Bobbie Short
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