1/08/19 update: Hi everybody! The next installment of Bobbie Short's book is now available HERE. Thanks again to Molly Lebherz for her efforts on this!
9/14/18 update: Well, it?s been over five years since the last update, but this is a big one. The first installment of Bobbie Short?s book is now available here (you can also right click and Save as). Thanks to all the people who helped make this a reality, especially Molly Hart Lebherz whose persistence made this reality. (See the Message from the Editor for more acknowledgements).
5/24/13 update: Hi everybody, I regret to inform you all that Bobbie passed unexpectedly a week ago Thursday 5/16/13. I know some of you may have been trying to contact her and wondering what was going on. This website and her research were a labor of love for many years and while I will not be maintaining it, I will certainly leave it up for an indefinite amount of time until its fate has been decided. There was also a book in-progress, that I'm not entirely certainly of its completion, that I'm trying to figure out what to do with. If anybody wants to contact me to find out about something she left pending or what not, you can reach me at cmillet77@gmail.com. I'm Chris Millet, her grandson who helped her get this site off the ground and running so many years ago. :)
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NEW UPLOAD 5.04.13
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Shooting Bigfoot by Morgan Matthews ,
Read more from KSAT in San Antonio http://www.ksat.com/news/film-featuring-killing-of-bigfoot-in-sa-premiered/-/478452/19996122/-/fnpyx/-/index.html 
- --
A must listen to blogtalkradiio = Jim Vieira talks about ten foot giants and Double rows teeth – do not miss this guess speaker!! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bigfoottonightshow/2013/04/22/jim-vieira-giants-in-america 
- --
KSAT.C0M SAN ANTONIO TEXAS....." Film featurig killing of Bigfoot in San Antonio premiered May 3rd..
- ---
Bigfoot Hunters coming back this weekend...(The Morehead News)
- ---
Excellent Utah video footage, 30 minutes in length, well worth watching; shows hair length, wads of
short hair, multiple tracks and towards the end there is a discovery of a body imprint in snow where
the Sasquatch apparently laid down to rest. http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/utah-tracks2013.htm
- ---
hunter Dustin records his sighting that happened in July of 2011 in Henderson County, Kentucky...
- - -
Article: The Port Arthur News "Bigfoot sighting along Neches River..."
- ---
Video: From LiveLeak "Prehistoric Bigfoot found? Over 4 million years old (older than Lucy) this
creature called “ARDI” resembled Bigfoot. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=182_1261520074
- ---
TIME Magazine:
"Bigfoot DNA evidence is published but more questions are raised...an article for TIME by Kristine Quan
- ---
Russian yeti hairs turn out to be American bear, raccoon and horse hairs according to Dr. Bryan Sykes, lead geneticist in the UK. Hairs were likely collected by Igor Burtsev during his many trips to the USA and passed off as Russian Yeti hairs.
- ---
Do you believe in Sasquatch? Here is an interesting Poll:
- ---
Strange screaming coming from the swamps of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Umatilla, Oregon
- ---
What would cause a Sasquatch to carry-on like this for a solid 15-20 minutes?? Continuous Sasquatch vocalizations recorded July 8, 2012 in Clipper Mills, California... Butte County, Calif., has a long long history of Sasquatch sightings and personal encounters. http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/extended-vocalization.htm
- ---
Interesting snow tracks photographed by Jerry Tripp in 2012
- ---
Texas DNA specialist writes that Sasquatch is a modern human being. UPDATED 1/18/2013... http://seesdifferent.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/texas-dna-specialist-writes-that-sasquatch-is-a-modern-human-being
- ---
DNA alone can tell us how the ancient humans looked; their eye and hair color...
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/50460228/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/dead-hundreds-years-now-we-can-learn-hair-eye-color/#.UPYIhGe57ow Amazing stuff..
- ---
More Russian Bigfoot hoaxing.... http://thefw.com/russian-yeti
- ---
M.K. Davis details not previously shown extended footage in the Patterson film. It is worthwhile staying
with the commentary to the end, especially if you’re a fan of the film
and what it contains. http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/extended-footage.htm
Thom Cantrall: "Bob told me that they had been tracking about 7 of them above and followed three of them down into the creek bottom."
Doesn’t that contradict the original 1967 story?? If this new version is true, it makes sense that there were other Sasquatches on that Bluff Creek sandbar.
- ---
The Crypto Crew: "Bullying from Dr. Ketchum..."
- ---
Network television: ABC’s “Good Morning America” http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/ABCtelevision.htm
- ---
Video: Crypto-linguist Scott Nelson talks about bigfoot language and vocalizations...
- ---
Begin older uploads from 2012
Dr. Melba Ketchum discusses Sasquatch DNA with George Knapp on Coast to Coast Radio Dec 23, 2012
- ---
Tyler Huggins and Bart Cutino share statements and forensic lab reports on what is referred to as the
"Sierra Kills Samples." AKA the shooting of two sasquatches in Plumas County, California in 2010.
http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/2012/12/tyler-huggins-and-bart-cutino-shares.html Interesting results???
- ---
News Feed: "Bigfoot DNA Found?"
- ---
New DNA videotape Melba Ketchum Dec 14, 2012 w/reps from Baylor University & Texas University.
The December 10th radio interview with Dr. Melba Ketchum, DVM.
- ---
Article and graphics: "What a hobbit really looks like: Researchers reconstruct the face of Homo floresiensis..."
- ---
New article: "Sequencing Bigfoot's DNA?" http://www.readthehorn.com/news/70362/sequencing_bigfoots_dna
- ---
Ro Sahebi owner of TheBigfootReport dot com uploaded a conversation with
Robert "Java Bob" Schmalzbach. He verifies and defended Richard Stubstad's contributions to the Ketchum Project. It runs twenty minutes but take the time to hear it through. http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/schmalzbach.htm
- ---
Article: Dr. Todd Disotell weighs in: "DNA expert's view of the Ketchum Bigfoot DNA claim... "
- ---
Article: "Sasquatch Genesis - the origin of Bigfoot"
- ---
Re: Ketchum & Erickson article: "Bigfoot DNA results will be acompanied by video footage of creatures..."
This article also calls attention to the incredible field work of Randy Brisson and son in British Columbia and
their reporting back to the Erickson project of their interaction with multiple sasquatches photographed..
- ---
Article in The Scientist: "Suspect Sasquatch Sequencing" Without publishing any data, a Texas-based
forensic company claims to have sequenced the genome of Bigfoot.
- ---
Dr. Melba Ketchum is interviewed by John Gormley (audio only)
- ---
Dr. Ketchum was interviewed on ABC Network News this morning and covered by local television in Southern California link-up on Thursday November 29, 2012 ...Bobo Faye from "Finding Bigfoot" was also on during the same segment... Ketchum is quoted as saying on this segment that Bigfoot (plural) are "people who don't want to be found." At noon time, (Eastern) CNN carried the story... Here is the ABC Good Morning America" segment:
-- ---
VIDEO: Watch Dr. Ketchum on Houston television video:
- ---
: Sasquatch DNA: Dr. Melba S. Ketchum's Press Release in brief:
“The study has sequenced 20 whole mitochondrial genomes and utilized next generation sequencing
to obtain 3 whole nuclear genomes from purported Sasquatch samples. The genome sequencing shows
that Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens, but Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown
hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species. Our data indicate that the North American
Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female
Homo sapiens.” On the DNA Diagnostics website: http://www.dnadiagnostics.com/press.html
- ---
A Call for evidence:
Dr. Bryan Sykes, Oxford University, UK calls for Sasquatch evidence to be mailed to him to complete his parallel study:
- ---
The Los Angeles Times article: "Bigfoot DNA? Not so fast...."
- ---
Cyber Monday November 26: - David Claerr article on "Bigfoot DNA Report Hypothesis 2011" - Preliminary results in mitochondrial DNA may indicate an astonishing relationship between Sasquatch and humans.....
- ---
"Bigfoot DNA sequenced in upcoming Genetics Study" http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/943177
- ---
On Before its News website: Scott Nelson "Bigfoot voice recorded by Navy-crypto-linguist near Kansas City
- ---
On the Deadspin website this article: "You should read this before you hunt Bigfoot" (New York Law)
- ---
Beforeitsnews dot com article: "New DNA evidence identifies Bigfoot species"
- ---
VIDEO: Representing the BFRO, - "Finding Bigfoot" character Bobo Faye talks to television host Conan O'brien about Bigfoot DNA http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/bobo-on-conan.htm
- ---
Article: "Hikers take flight after what they thought was a bear resembled Bigfoot" http://tinyurl.com/bgsm3p4
- ---
Valentin Sapanov, yeti expert defends lack of sasquatch sightings as row erupts over his claim that
200 live in Siberia (article) http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/valentin-sapanov2012.htm
- ---
M.K. Davis discusses the Junk Man footage and Davis discusses Patty's eyes in frame 362
- ---
Spike TV is offering $10 million for proof of Bigfoot....
- ---
Is Bigfoot a protected Species? (Article)
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It is illegal to shoot a Sasquatch-Bigfoot in New York State !!
- ---
Donna Anderson writes about the dogman (muzzled faced entities) being misidentified as a Sasquatch.
http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/dogmanDNA.htm Apparently, DNA suggests two different beings.
- ---
Photographer snaps possible Texas Bigfoot: video KLTV, Longview, TX
- ---
Article: Lykens Valley Man (Dauphin County, Pennsylvania) Claims Bigfoot damaged his Winnebago Motorhome... http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/winnebago.htm
- ---
Video: The late Richard Stubstad Interview: Bigfoot DNA 2012 ...interesting detail in some of what he says.
- ---
Video Opinion: In this episode, Mike Rugg of the Felton, California Bigfoot Discovery Museum talks about Dr. Bryan Sykes and his request for DNA samples. http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/bryansykesDNA.htm
- ---
Sierra Kills external links... (Plumas County, California shooting of one adult & one child Sasquatch)
Justin Smeja’s polygraph test hit several sites – among them; the following three links...
1. http://www.bigfootlunchclub.com/2012/08/bigfoot-killer-passes-lie-detector-test.html
2. http://www.ghosttheory.com/2012/08/14/sierra-kills-update-justin-smeja-polygraph-results
3. http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/2012/08/justin-smeja-what-we-all-think-about.html#moretop
- ---
"Knapp News" for August 26: George links out to an article that claim Dr. Melba Ketchum has determine that the Dog man entity and Sasquatch are TWO separate life forms...interesting new... Read more?
- ---
Shoshone County, Idaho 2012; "The trail tape caper"
- ---
Impressive fluffy looking Sasquatch... Excellent Temagami Bigfoot photograph by Jeane Heibert on this page: http://www.ontariobigfoot.com/Temagami%20Bigfoot.html
- ---
Sex with early mystery species of humans seen in DNA
- ---
Headline New York Times: "Genetic Data and Fossil Evidence tell differing tales of human origins..." - a very interesting article and a must read. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/27/science/cousins-of-neanderthals-left-dna-in-africa-scientists-report.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all
- ---
An hour long videotaped interview: "I killed Bigfoot" A conversation with Justin Smeja re: the Plumas County, California shooting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP0cl5l2WWI (some of it is difficult to listen too.)
- ---
The Wall Street Journal article talks about DNA, + Oxford geneticist Bryan Sykes and his reputation in
an article titled, "The making of Americans..." (the DNA for First Nation & Native Americans was very interesting).
- ---
The Naches Ranger District is part of the Snoqualmie Nat'l Forest in the State of Washington. Ranger Doug Jenkins says people are seeing bears...It’s another interesting Scott Sandsberry article at Yakima dot com. http://sportsyakima.com/2012/07/nachaes-ranger-district-worker-has-heard-it-all-inccluding-his-own-sasquatch-experience
- ---
Bonner County Idaho Daily Bee article;
- ---
Please support the Mike Rugg's Discovery Museum in Felton, California
The Bigfoot Discovery Museum DONATE BUTTON is here: http://bigfootdiscoveryproject.com/ Every $$ helps...
- ---
Article: Lufkin, TX man puts his "Bigfoot hairs" up for sale...more strangeness...
- ---
Video: Retired Siskiyou County Park Ranger talks about finding a camera but strangely that is all he says...does anyone know about this? http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/walter-higgins.htm
- ---
Largest group of fossil humans are Neanderthals after all...
- ---
Discovery News: The difficult to impress, skeptic Ben Radford (whose writings I often enjoy reading) tackles the subject of Bigfoot again in this article: "Bigfoot Beyond Footprints and DNA..." I'm interested in what you think of his rationale? http://news.discovery.com/animals/bigfoot-beyond-footprints-120526.html
- ---
Oxford would like any bigfoot evidence you have lying around...
- ---
UK Scientists deploy genetics in search of Bigfoot- Dr. Bryan Sykes article...
http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/bryan-sykesDNA.htm and original article:
- ---
Article on DNA: "Sequence it...and they will come!" Article by Dr. Joe Caspermeyer at ASU... http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-05/asu-sit052212.php - - - - -
- - - - -
Santa Cruz Weekly Newspaper "Hunting for Sasquatch in Santa Cruz Mountains" http://www.santacruz.com/news/2012/04/24/hunting_for_bigfoot_in_the_santa_cruz_mountains - - - - -
- ---
Article: New controversy....
Apparently IT IS LEGAL TO SHOOT BIGFOOT in the State of Texas !!!
- ---
Old 1990 videoTown Hall-Style discussion on Bigfoot from KATU-2 Portland, Oregon early-1990's featuring
the late Dr. Grover Krantz and the late Datus Perry who claimed 13 sightings of Bigfoot....
- ---
Article: "Ohio's search for Bigfoot gets a new leader..."
- ---
Claerr writes about the origins of the Sasquatch as evidenced in the fossil record...
- ---
Mike Wooley, eye witness talks about his encounter in this video:
- ---
M. K. Davis works the Patterson film for better understanding of what you’re looking at. There are two distinctly different sequences spliced together. "The First Walk sequence" shows no female anatomy and differing in how the buttock glutes are set. "The second walk sequence" commonly referred to as the “famous look-back” sequence does show female anatomy but in my opinion shows an entirely different set of glutes (buttocks) Note that the backgrounds in the two sequences are different. Then the subject begins sequence two back at the beginning area of sequence one. Confusing, yes - unless you understand that sequences one and two were not shot as one continuous run of film but two. http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/first-walk-sequence.htm
- ---
The subject in the Patterson film, affectionately known as "Patty" is not as well haired as you might think.
In this video, M.K. Davis works with the film and shows you step by step how the results are achieved.
Photographers will probably understand better than Joe Average.
- ---
Claerr writes about the Hovey Photo --- "Bigfoot Back: The upper torso of an Sasquatch - Posterior anatomical study. The configuration of musculoskeletal structures involving the trapezius muscles and attachments...."
- ---
Zack Ellenbogen's newest film festival videoclip..."Believing in Bigfoot..."
- ---
A bit more clarity in this analysis of the Hovey Photo: http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/hovey-pic.htm
- ---
Detailed image work done by M.K.Davis on the Patty Creature's head.
- ---
Ben Radford contributes a Bigfoot article on Live Science 23 January 2012
- ---
Crypto Linguist, R. Scott Nelson was guest speaker on Blog Talk Radio on January 18, if you missed the show you can log on and listen to the archived replay. Subject: Sasquatch language.
- ---
Previously archived radio shows by Scott Nelson and very informative information on sasquatch language....
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bigfoot_quest/2009/03/18/bigfoot-quest Part One and on March 17, 2009
Part 2, March 21, 2009
- ---
The Justin Smeja audio only interview January 2012 ( the alleged shooter of two sasquatches October 8, 2010 Plumas County, California)
- ---
Chinese anthropologist Zhou Guoxing declares.... "There is no Wild Man in this world."
- ---
End: December 31, 2011
Captured Russian Yeti turns out to be a hoax...
- ---
Famous Yeti Finger Flunks DNA test according to Ben Radford, LifeScience contributor
- ---
From the Journal Nature: The Complete mitochondrial DNA genome of an unknown hominin...
- ---
Blogger writes "Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy group have blood on their hands...." Is killing a bigoot, "conservancy?" http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/2011/12/texas-bigfoot-research-conservancy.html?showComment=1323549835868#c3403494813326491326
- ---
Texas Bigfoot Conservancy President - Alton Higgins announces the TBRC shot at ANOTHER Sasquatch, this time wounding it in the name of bringing in the first specimen. Early indicators presumptive for Sasquatch DNA suggest the Sasquatch is human; this shooting was senseless. How many must be wounded and mutilated under the falsified guise of research? The TBRC's "Operation Endurance" is grossly offensive to decency and an affront to hunting ethics. Where is the outrage? http://www.texasbigfoot.com/index.php/our-research/projects/206-oe
- ---
Is the American Sasquatch the same as the Tibetan Yeti? The Davis Report - http://tinyurl.com/7mmmeyo
- ---
A very interesting read: "Keeping up with the hominin" - http://tinyurl.com/75pp8dt
- ---
Article: Bigfoot: We've found the best evidence Yeti… (John Bindernagel)
- ---
Website: Evidence, how do we know what we know?
- ---
The hunt for the elusive Bigfoot (article)
- ---
Article: Meldrum spoke at Utah Valley University Nov 11
- ---
More video: Larry Surface's Bigfoot Video
- ---
Gold Lake, Plumas County - Sierra (Bigfoot) Killings: Justin Smeja and “The Driver” Speak Out....
- ---
Bigfoot: unfound and unfounded (Russian expedition video)
Excellent video presentation, amazing Orang Pendek descriptions ...Crypto Hunt 2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5xG5XZiVNQ <-- if it doesn't open, right click on link & open in a new tab or window.
- ---
Russian and American Yeti hunters join forces to track down 30-strong Siberian tribe - http://tinyurl.com/42vhjl9
- ---
Richard Stubstad talks at length with Robert Lindsay again, this time in more detail.
- ---
The Davis Report "When Working with the Patterson film, does it matter which copy is used?" http://wp.me/1KEdQ
- ---
Orang Pendek quest begins in Sumatra 9/9/11
- ---
Newly discovered Documents show the Feds believed in the Yeti at least as far back as 1950. 9.6.11
- ---
R. Scott Nelson's Sasquatch Phonetic Alphabet and Transcription Standard
- ---
Dr. John Bindernagel in the news… http://tinyurl.com/43mo67y
- ---
Adrian Erickson, ....“Is Sasquatch out there?
A photo from Erickson's video uploaded 8.18.11
Part One and Part Two (text) were combined in this link:
- ---
California Department of Fish and Game opens investigation into the Sierra Bigfoot Kills ....August 3
- ---
"Giants in the
by Scott Corrales
- ---
The California Sasquatch killing explained - Read more here: http://www.olympicproject.com/id16.html
- ---
It began with Josh Gates brief 2009 interview w/Dr. Melba Ketchum http://www.bigfootencounters.com/interviews/gates-ketchum.htm
- ---
New footprint traces of the "Shennongjia Wildman" found in Southwest China - listen to audio news report on People's Daily page -
- ---
The www.artistfirst.com Bigfoot program has uploaded MK Davis' July 2011 interview with Richard Stubstad in the archives now -
Stubstad discusses Bigfoot DNA etc. the show runs an hour -
- ---
Richard Stubstad, Java Bob Schmalzbach and Jim Landsdale were on Georgia Bigfoot Adventures BTR Monday night July 11
The URL is http://www.blogtalkradio.com/TGAPHtvRADIO
- ---
Sasquatch family group footprints reported in N.
New Mexico
.. ...
- ---
Richard Stubstad “claims” to know about Sasquatch DNA, but does he?
- ---
Video Presentation: Igor Burtsev & Bruce McDonald explore area previously know for Bigfoot activity...
- ---
Police cruiser - Dash Cam video - http://www.bigfootencounters.com/films/dash-cam.htm
- ---
Video and article: Green Mountain Falls, Colorado - http://www.krdo.com/news/28011224/detail.html
- ---
Scientists find "werewolf" gene...... -
- ---
Russia's Newspaper, “Pravda” is carrying a great story regarding the Randy Brisson stump photos here:
- ---
Bruce McDonald, Randy Brisson recreate "stump photo" for Russian hominologist, Igor Burtsev
- ---
Here is an interesting poll - have you voted on Rob Johnson's page?
- ---
sighting of male & female Bigfoot 2010 - http://www.bigfootencounters.com/stories/elkridgeMD.htm
- ---
An excerpt from the book “Three years among the Comanches” by Texas Ranger Nelson Lee 1850
- ---
Article: Julian,
San Diego County
, late 70's http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/julian.htm
- ---
Article: Yeti-hand replica to be returned to Pangboche… http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/yeti-hand.htm
- ---
Sunday, April 3rd, a quad-runner rider found and photographed tracks in the snow in Grand Cache,
. Have a look: http://www.bigfootencounters.com/stories/alberta2011.htm
- ---
The late Vance Orchard wrote about Roger Patterson's 1966 trip to the Blue Mountains of
State http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/early-patterson.htm
- ---
VIDEO and stills - - Adult and juvenile tracks found again on Sandbar in
British Columbia
, ...some great
footage of the trail-way....
- ---
Vintage 1987 article talks about 3 itinerant loggers who saw a
9 ft bigfoot in Sierraville, Sierra County, California
- ---
Was the Iceman a BF? Heuvelmans called him "Neanderthal" - Video: http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/argosy2.htm
Above begin 2011 -
- ---
Dickey River encounter by Thom Cantrall - http://tinyurl.com/22tpa2f
- ---
Tracks found in Calaveras County running down to Lake Alpine, Route 4 in the High Sierra Range October 13, 2010
- ---
Watch this video - Bigfoot (Skunk-ape) traps a skunk in a 6-inch irrigation pipe..."Video of the month" This happened in the Four Corners area in New Mexico. The
guy taking the video and asking the questions is named J.C. Johnson. He
has a few videos on Youtube and he does a radio show. He is a
- ---
Grass Valley Man Announces National Bigfoot Hunt (Wm Barnes, the Falcon Project) 9/9/10
- ---
No ape ever evolved to walk upright; the sasquatch cannot be an ape! We need to seriously get real if research still, in 2010, believes an unknown ape exists in North America! We have no fossil record for apes here !! Apes are in fact a contemporary of ours, NOT our ancestors.
- ---
Story: Peter Byrne writes on "Bob Titmus"...the old days...
- ---
"What do we know for sure about Sasquatch hair?" ...article with stock photos
- ---
"The Sasquatch and the Baculum" If you are particularly sensitive to discussions re: genitalia, or find such discussions offensive - please disregard)
- ---
Crypto-linguist Scott Nelson analyzed the Sierra Sound recordings by Ron Morehead & Al Berry and found them to be a form of Sasquatch language. Nelson was guest speaker Tuesday nite on Bobby Coyne & Mike Killen's Bigfoot Quest Blogtalkradio show. Listen to the archived show here http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bigfoot_quest/2009/03/18/bigfoot-quest
part one
March 17, 2009
Part 2, March 21, 2009
- ---
"Sasquatch Behavior Patterns," what do we know about rock hurling, stone throwing, lobbing of rocks, herding and bluff charging behavior? http://www.bigfootencounters.com/biology/rocks.htm
- ---
The Memorial Day Footage, the last nail in the coffin? - Updates & thoughts on the Memorial Day Footage with two significant updates .... http://www.bigfootencounters.com/hoaxes/mdf.htm
- ---
SCI FI Channel on USA television aired a short bigfoot segment on "Sightings." As it turned out, it was an old rerun of the alleged Ohio BF nesting site
found featuring Dr. W. Henner Fahrenbach, Joedy Cook and George Clappison. According
to big game hunter, bigfoot author-investigator Peter Byrne, "Sightings" quotes Byrne as saying: 'out of 3000 bigfoot witness reports, 5 turned
out to be legitimate,' which leaves a staggering number of misidentifications, wild goose chases and hoaxed reports!
I think those numbers may also indicate that witnesses have a great tendency to imagine they see sasquatch, probably by conscious choice. Byrne's quote supports what I've been saying all along, which is, -there
simply are not enough sasquatches left in the wilderness to support the
high volume of witness reports publicized as
'true' by various organizations.
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or questions to: support@bigfootencounters.com
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September 3, 1995 - 2013
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