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Zig Zag, Clackamas County, Oregon January 2003
Benton County, Oregon March 2002
Clackamas County, Rhododendron 2004
Clackamas County, near Estacada 1996
Clackamas County Oregon 1998
Clackamas County, Oregon 2003
Clackamas County, Zig Zag, Oregon 2003

Central Oregon Tshudy's Pass, South of Simpson Butte, August 2002
Deschutes County 1999, La Pine footprints
Douglas County, Roseburg 2001
Grant County, 1974-5
Grant County, 2001
multiple events
Harney County, Oregon 1897 news item
Hardman, Umatilla National Forest, 1980
Hood River

Josephine County 1996

Klamath Falls, 1998

Lake County 2000

Lake County 2001
Lane County, Oregon 2003
Lane County,
Cottage Grove, June 1983
Lane County 1988 Diamond Peak Wilderness
Marion County, July 1996
Marion County, November 1996
Multnomah County January 2002
Multnomah Cnty January 2002
Older Oregon Reports (two)
Pacific Crest Trail, Mt. Hood 1976
Three Sisters, Summer 1970

Tollgate, Bone Springs Campground, 12 miles N of Tollgate 2004 footprints
Umatilla County, Hermiston Figure steps out onto blackberry path near Umatilla River 2003...
Wallowa County
Wilson River, Oregon Report, 1998

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* Additional database on Oregon Sightings by the IBS

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