Bigfoot Encounters Sha a wanoki |
Shaawanoki is a term assigned originally to Florida’s ancient Native American Mikasuki branch language; a 400 year old term of the Creek- Seminole Indians and thought previously to roughly translates swamp thing, (a snapping mouth entity) a spiritual deity term, literally refers to the far more abundant turtles, alligators and crocs, not an upright walking primate. (Deity in the sense that the early Seminoles (before the white man came) held alligators, crocs and the large snapping turtles with great respect and carved totems to them). A California Modok elder named Charlotte Mack stood in for a Seminole Indian character in the 1990 film, “Shaawanoki, The Skunk Ape of Florida.” Mack disclosed her belief that the term translated in Seminole to mean something akin to the Florida skunk ape, but Mack didn't speak the Mikasuki language and her assumption may have been quite wrong... Much of Florida’s names and places are rooted in Seminole, Muscogee and Creek Indian words not the California Modoc language. 'Seminole' means runaway Indians according to a lovely little Creek Indian woman named Ellen Blackdog who lived in Hollywood, Florida until her death, wrote in 1997 to say Shaawanoki is a “killer snapping mouth” (she said “gator” but added it means “mouth that snaps” so it could also refer to the snapping turtle that used to be in large numbers in Florida and Georgia, along with the snaggle-tooth cat and a very large armadillo). Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 7: Northwest Coast (Handbook of North American Indians) by Wayne Suttles and William Sturtevant (Hardcover - Aug 20, 1990) Coast Salish Essays by Wayne Suttles (Paperback - Feb 15, 1987) Portions of this website are reprinted and sometimes edited to fit the standards of this website |