Bigfoot Encounters

Sasquatch Migration - No shortage of opinions....

© Bobbie Short …

mi·grat·e, mi·grat·ing, mi·grates
1. To move from area or region and settle in another.
2. To change location periodically, especially by moving seasonally from one region to another.
3. Migrate sometimes implies a lack of permanent settlement, especially as a result of seasonal or periodic movement.
4. Bird migration refers to the regular seasonal journeys undertaken by many species of birds with a seasonal return to the home departure region; the journey & return of the caribou is a true migration pattern.

Some really wonderful people encourage me to tackle the subject of Sasquatch migration; do the haired ones with big feet migrate in the true sense of the word as defined above or migrate to some extent or do they keep to a given area close to their home range? 

The trouble with this subject is that I have very little in the database to draw from and even less from the index listing in bigfoot books; what I decided to do with “migration” is turn to members in research for their opinion. The response has been interesting...

Since there wasn't enough data in my own files to make an intelligent judgment one way or the other on the subject of migration but I find myself leaning heavily towards a behavior I call “transient wanderings” more than I do migration and that sums up any opinion I might muster for this cause.

I was influenced by the possibility of ‘transient wanderings' last winter when I received for the first time three separate reports, each documented with photographs of adult Sasquatch tracks along side 4 and 5 inch baby Sasquatch tracks found in the snow. From these track imprints, we could discern that the adult must be picking the baby up from time to time when we could see its tiny tracks no longer along side the adult tracks. It seems Mama Sasquatch is not shy about teaching her baby to walk in the snow although in all three instances the snow was not deep and they were discovered roadside for the most part. Those reports came from British Columbia, Harrison County, Ohio and a trail-line of baby tracks along side adult tracks photographed off Indian Creek Road, Siskiyou County in northern California.

Might not the fact that the Sasquatch are still hanging out in snow regions teaching young ones how to walk in snow indicate that they do not migrate to warmer climates but keep to a given area more familiar to them? I was heavily influence by this behavior; - then there was this reminder from a reader, it was also in support of no migration because they found cached food items…

Several times in the past, bow hunters have mentioned finding areas of cached food reserves above the timberline where snows are perpetual, the largest cache was found high in the Gunnison, Colorado. Besides elk meat, a sort of Bannock bread was observed, which traditionally, I'm told, is a large, round loaf-like bread that required baking…suggestive of fire use. It was usually made from barley, wheat or oatmeal, seeds and other ingredients varying according to region. It is baked together with eggs and elk lard and often wrapped in the leaves of skunk cabbage during storage. Loaves were found in along side cached rabbit, venison, wapiti and elk parts. Bannock is an often nasty smelling food, but nevertheless sustenance when winters are unusually harsh…it's all about survival whether it tastes good or not. 

One might suppose caching food for a hard winter is easier if there exists an area close by where temperatures hover in the thirties year round but that isn't always the case and it begs the question, would they then follow the roving deer & elk herds along known game trails, ambushing them as needed for survival or stay to a given area? With the little data we have to draw from, we can only speculate.

In writing about migrating ‘feet,' my first inclination was to review the “old works” in Bigfoot literature, but I found that Byrne, Krantz, Dahinden & Green never wrote extensively on the subject of ‘migration,' in fact there is nothing listed in any of their book indexes. As Bigfoot book indexes go, the listings should be detailed & primary, -an integral part of every publication but are in fact a major weakness by Bigfoot authors; I found nothing of interest written in the indexes regarding migration corridors, except in John Green's “Sasquatch, the Apes among Us.” In that book, John recounts on pages 183-4 a March 1969 letter written to Ivan Sanderson from a Texan by the name of Mr. Tom Adams that ‘mentions' an instance of migration; the pertinent portion reads:

“I have no way of knowing how much you know, if any, about the monster situation here in northern Texas. There are reports from several points in this area: the direct vicinity is extreme northwestern Lamar County, Texas. The residents of this rural area report what they refer to as a “manimal” that makes scheduled appearances in June and October as it “migrates” through the area. They have reported that it has been seen regularly for the past decade and some old-timers claim they have seen such a thing for the past 50 years.”

In my own database there were scant few references to the issue of ‘feet' migration. But I found a few, this next one suggesting that the Sasquatch are ‘slick opportunists' in that they know instinctively where and when certain fruits ripen, crops mature, the salmon run, birds nest and the herds calve….

In 1996-7, I was made aware of a couple living in Flynn Springs, San Diego County, California who were puzzled to find their peach tree completely stripped of its seasonal fruit; this evidently happened overnight including the still-green unripe fruit. In that interview I discovered that the avocado growers were also experiencing a loss of fruit to a much lesser extent, generally in the fall and at no other time during the growing season was this loss noticed; but earlier in the year, of course, the fruit was not ripe. Did the Sasquatch know that? Was this evidence of Sasquatch migrating to known locales where fall fruit is obtainable? Or is this just transient routing to favorite haunts at given times of the year and not at all a true migration pattern?

It was interesting that one of the Escondido growers told me whatever was taking the fruit from his peach trees seemingly “hit & run” certain trees and totally neglected others that were also ripe. In other words, each year the same tree was hit and other trees with equally delicious fruit…abandoned.

I engaged two of the avocado growers in lengthy dialog, but I didn't offer as a choice that their loss might be due to Sasquatch activity. I learned from those conversations that the land owners suspected transient illegal Mexican crop pickers crossing through their area in route north to the San Joaquin Valley, the agricultural center of California. This made sense to some extent but did not explain how they carried off such an enormous amount of fruit in one night and it also did not explain how the fruit was reach atop of 14 foot trees where no picking ladders were available; bearing in mind the average height of the transient Mexican is generally less than 5 ft 6 inches. I hesitated to categorize this incident as true migration.

Many of us in research, when looking for the ‘go to' guy for critical thinking, turn to Roger Knights…so I did and he offered these thoughts for your perusal:

Considerations in favor of Bigfoot migrating: 

1. Bigfoot seem to be wide-ranging (matching footprints are found great distances apart, for instance, and sightings often occur in short-lasting "flaps," suggesting the Bigfoot hasn't hung around long. Further, Bigfoot are reported from Florida to Alaska)

2. Bigfoot have been observed at certain locations primarily or almost exclusively during certain seasons (for instance, on salmon rivers during salmon runs); 

3. If Bigfoot is omnivorous, it would not be limited to an area containing a particular form of sustenance; instead, it would make sense to wander.

4. It's hard to imagine an animal that lacks a heavy coat of fur surviving severe winters. And footprints are rarely found in snow, suggesting a movement out of such regions, or at least to lower elevations, during the winter.

Considerations against: 

1. Seasonal sighting patterns have been studied intensively from the early days of research, but they apparently do not vary greatly by location. "There is no pattern," as Dahinden said.

2. Suspected migration-path choke points have been monitored by several researchers, but without success.

3. Apes aren't noted for being migratory (they are territorial instead). Few groups of humans are migratory either. Mostly, they hunker down in winter.

4. There wouldn't be much advantage in migrating very far (more than 75 miles, say) in the coastal areas where most sightings are reported. In non-coastal areas, a migration would have to be impossibly long to lessen the severity of a winter. (Roger Knights)

Another "go to" kind of guy with a great sense of "know how," is long time Oregonian Cliff Olson who wrote to say: "I don't think they cover great distance when migrating, I believe they have a home range that they wander through on a seasonal basis. Hitting different areas when the food sources are at their best, like elk working into the high country as the snow melts in the spring and the grass greens. Ideally there will be varying foods available to them over the year. Salmon runs, where there still is some Salmon, berries most of the summer and fall with grasses and root plants for leaner times, with farmers crops and livestock to rob if and when the situation warrants. I think the things that cause migration are an empty belly, the need to mate and the ceaseless push by humans into their range. (Cliff Olson)

The earliest reference of notation regarding migration in my database was in June of 1991, Ray Crowe in Hillsboro, Oregon and formerly of the Western Bigfoot Society, editor for years of the popular self-published “Track Record,” wrote about migratory possibilities in his article, “The Bigfoot Bar & Grill.” I am not sure whose page this is, but Ray's thoughts on migration are uploaded on the Internet here:

In private correspondence, Ray added this: “As I recall migration the PNW where food is available year round, the Big feet didn't need to migrate. Mike Jay was discussing this issue with the late George Haas once upon a time and Mike told him about a track with a particular cut (scar) on the foot...Hass sent back a photo, "is this the one?" Sure enough it was...of course Haas was from northern California and Jay was from Coos Bay area in Oregon; that's quite a walk. Their conclusion was that the critter moved that distance for some reason and we speculated it was a rogue male "mate hunting." We also guessed that eastern USA Big feet probably followed river courses south during the winter...but then again, only a guess because at the time I didn't have enough hard data. In PNW lots of tracks found in winter snow, so they hang around. That is true in other places also. Final guess...Bigfoot does not migrate, but might wander around for one reason or another.” (Ray Crowe Sept 09)

There is a second note on migration written by the owner of the old IVBC fourteen years ago, that would be Henry Franzoni, author of “In the Spirit of the Seatco.” In his Q & A section he wrote in his #13 question: “Do Sasquatch migrate?” Franzoni replied that he found no evidence for migration. Continuing on, he wrote, “The sighting reports and other possible Bigfoot related stories have taken place in the same general areas consistently for 150 years. Others have looked for migration routes and found none. I believe these beings do not move along predictable seasonal routes. I find it remarkable that the Native American stories from 100-300 years ago take place in roughly the same areas as modern sighting reports.” (Henry James Franzoni) Fourteen years ago, his view was controversial, but today probably right on.

Back in the late 80's, when Jack Sullivan, Jim Hewkin and Mike “the Greek” Dardanos were field researchers and I was a wet-behind-the ears newbie, Dardanos drove me to an organic shallot farm located in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley where he had been alerted to a situation by the small farm operator. Organic growers use no chemicals in there growing processes; just open fields in this case of healthy bug free shallots; there was no real need for fences here. As Dardanos drove into the property through the country gates we noticed that the fields were open and accessible from all directions; the foothills of the Sierra Mountain range off to the east of this region. Shallots are used by high-end chefs; they're rich-tasting and reminiscent of both onions and garlic. 

We were met inside the gates by the proprietor, his wife and sons; they took us to the outer edges of the east field. It was very hot that weekend, late July, the first of August and the shallots were about to be pulled, -harvested. We walked to the back of this wide field where the tops to these bulbous root plants waved in the hot breeze like a million fingers; suddenly there was a bare spot where no shallots could be seen, the dirt barely disturbed except for skiffs of disturbed dirt where something methodically pulled up a hundred-fifty to two hundred feet of shallot bulbs and disappeared with the bounty. There were no castable tracks but it was clear that something walking on two very long feet passed through those fields barefooted and evidently took with them arm loads of shallots. This, we were told, was the third year this happened, probably at night because none of the farm hands ever saw the perpetrators. Had this become an annual event and was this a migration path or simply a planned bit of thievery to a known patch of easy pickings? Probably the latter…

Mike Dardanos was struck by a drunk driver while riding his Harley through Los Banos, California at the I-5 intersection. I do not drive through that section of I-5 without stopping to reflect how different Bigfoot research might be today if Dardanos had maintained his auditory senses or still had the use of his legs; he was in his time an incredible talent; a rugged field investigator who taught me a great deal about tracking. I still spend time at the knees of his wheelchair listening to his Bigfoot stories whenever he'll allow. 

Many in research will remember long time Californian, Dr. Connie Cameron who edited “The Bigfoot CO-OP" Newsletter for twenty-five wonderful years. I posed the question of migration to Connie and she replied with this brief comment: “Many books and articles have been written over the years by both Bigfoot researchers and wannabes. While sightings and various encounters have been recorded, it is startling to note that the investigation of migration patterns seems to be left to deductive reasoning. In some areas of the U.S., particularly in the South, individuals and family groups have been noted returning day after day to the same feeding station or orchard as long as food was available. The vast majority of reports, however, involve chance encounters with a single individual. Sightings in the high desert area of Palmdale, California, with its challenging environment, led researchers in that area to discuss the "just passing through" theory. A presumed seasonal migration for food seems to be the favorite hypothesis. (Constance Cameron)
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Dr. Blake Mathys of Williamstown, New Jersey weighed in with these thoughts: “Sasquatch migration is an alluring concept, as identification of seasonal movement patterns would greatly increase our chances of intercepting them. I have seen no evidence for seasonal migration; in Ohio, we seem to have fewer sightings in the winter, but I know of no complementary increase in sightings elsewhere to indicate that our individuals have temporarily moved away. I do however support the concept of altitudinal migration in areas with high snowfall in the mountains. I saw a presentation by Keith Foster at one of Don Keating's conferences, and he seemed to have rather good evidence for an increase in sightings at lower elevations during the winter, ostensibly mirroring the altitudinal movements of the elk herds. (Blake Mathys)

Regarding the use of the term 'migrate,' our Russian colleague Dmitri Bayanov reminded me that there was a small excerpt in his book, "In the Footsteps of the Russian Snowman" on page 142. My copy of his book happened to be out on loan but Blogtalkradio host and weatherman Don Keating of the Ohio Bigfoot Conference reputation was kind enough to forward this out-take from Bayanov's work:

"According to Bykova's Mansi friends, Mechney always appeared alone and usually in August. They think their cabin stands on his migration route. If so, then, to my mind, his knocking on the window may have been learned elsewhere and with different results for Mecheny. Perhaps in some other place he received nice offerings after knocking on the window (<<muttering to himself>>) what dull people inhabit Volodya's cabin. Pity they did not offer him something special, say honey or roast beef, after he knocked on the window." (D. Bayanov)

Regarding the possibility of Sasquatch migration, Will Duncan had this to say: “Contemporary interpretation of the sasquatch evidence suggests, in my opinion that we are dealing with a close human relative of some sort. Therefore, we should look to the example of our own species, and what we know of our ancestral species and their then-living close cousins, to evaluate this question. Humanity is exemplified by an ability to exploit various ecological niches. This was probably true of Neanderthals, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo erectus and so on. We can suspect that humans and their very close relatives were/are capable of making use of environments that favor their survival, without a reliance on rigid ecological stratification more characteristic of, say, bears. I suspect then that sasquatches probably are capable of utilizing any environment that provides sufficient food and water without exposing them to undue external threats. We may also suspect that their tolerance for, and ability to avoid, external threats is quite remarkable, as they seem to be capable of living in some proximity to humans without falling into our clutches. So I don't think they migrate per se, as we see in ungulates and birds. They are more likely to go where they are most comfortable as they see fit, and this probably correlates with periods of heat and cold, drought and famine in any given area.” (Will Duncan)
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The only humorous remark (I loved the humor) came from the author of “The Locals,” science teacher Thom Powell; maybe I'm easily amused but I laughed out loud when Thom wrote…“As always, no one knows (if they migrate) since we can't get Bigfoot to wear tracking collars.”

“All I think I know is that purported activity goes in fits and starts. When one is watching a specific spot, one sees signs of activity for several successive nights then activity ceases. Also, seasonal patterns are evident. One would therefore assume that they have pushed on when the activity in a locality ceases. Everything is about patterns based on hunches and scant evidence. I would not say migration in the strict sense, but rather mobility that utilizes various localities on a rotating basis. Migration implies they all do the same thing at the same time. I'm pretty sure that ain't so, cuz even in the 'off-season' one sees indications of sasquatch presence, and that can even include eyeball sightings. In general, I take a dim view of blanket statements like 'migration'. As always, we don't have much to go on. One intriguing thought is not that they migrate but that they do have an annual get-together that is well attended. Not a migration, just a pow-wow like miners would do in the frontier west. I can't tell you how I came to know that because it is a whole 'nother conversation. Makes a bit of sense though, at least to me, but I'm in the camp that feels they are intelligent homins.” (Thom Powell)
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There is another excerpt worth reading in Linda Coil Suchy's book “Who's Watching You?” Hancock House, 2009. On p.240, Ray Crowe shares some thoughts on the subject in Linda's book and on p.289, Dmitri Bayanov ventures an opinion. It's worth a read…
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When veteran investigator Ron Schaffner was asked his opinion on the subject of Sasquatch migration, his response went something like this: "My opinion is no - they don't migrate. But for the sake of the argument, I think they are more human and wouldn't need to travel much. The reports seem to indicate that they hang out where the food supply is. Basically, many humans are home bodies and prefer close to what they consider their homes. If they did travel, then I would suspect we would receive more reports of multiple sightings. As a matter of fact, I think we would get a lot more reports than we do now. I also think if that was the case, we would have a specimen by now; unless I'm missing something, there really isn't any evidence to indicate a migration pattern.” (Ron Schaffner, Cincinnati, Ohio)
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Virginia researcher, Bill Dranginis (EyeGotcha Camera) weighed in with these words: “Over the last 14 years, I've heard a number of theories concerning Sasquatch migration, but have not seen any concrete evidence that would convince me that they do in fact migrate. In 1976, Ivan Marx co-produced and narrated a documentary called "The Legend of Bigfoot" in which he supposedly followed a Sasquatch migration route. It made for a good movie, but lacked the necessary evidence to support his claims. If they migrate as some suspect, I think we would have historical documents as well as current sightings detailing these migrations, as far as I know, there are none. I think these creatures are more sedentary, similar to humans. Once they find a habitat with plentiful food, water and security, they settle in for the long-term, meaning many years or generations. Where they may live without being detected is another story! I wish I could say more, but I just don't have any documentation to back up the Sasquatch migration question.” (Bill Dranginis)
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I asked Diane Stocking if she thought the big ‘feet' migrate, this was her response: “At this point, the answer is still speculative. To date, there is no scientific data or evidence to conclude whether they do or not. Basically, migration occurs when an entity moves from one location to a set destination on a predetermined route, and then returns to its original starting point by that same route. This happens seasonally. In my opinion, Bigfoot do not migrate. More probable, they have a home range in which they live out their lives. This home range would need to be at least 60-100 square miles to sustain 1 Bigfoot. If they live in a family/social structure, that area would need to be considerably larger. They would be able to move within this range for food, water, and weather conditions." (Diane Stocking)
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Mike Rugg from the Bigfoot Museum in Felton, California talked about the caching of provisions in his response: “I believe them to be nomadic hunter-gatherers, and more like an aboriginal or "feral" human than a bipedal ape. So I don't think they migrate in the way birds do. I think that in very high mountainous country they are likely to come down lower on the mountain in the winter, maybe to the extent of heading towards a warmer locale, but not to the same degree as birds. In our study area here in Santa Cruz, which has essentially a Mediterranean climate, with the highest peaks barely above the snowline, we get reports of sightings right through the winter months. There are fewer reports, I think, in winter only because people stay indoors more, so there's less opportunity for a sighting. I do believe that they PROVISION for the winter... store acorns and other such food to help them get through the rainy season without having to venture out of hiding as frequently as they do in the spring and summer. In the fall, when the trees lose their leaves, the bigfoot have much less cover to move around in and that's why I think they start stashing food during early fall. In our study area there is no need to migrate.” (Michael Rugg)
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Texas Biologist John Morley: "My own research with reports of activity has revealed locations and/or regions where they have been seen or heard for many years. While they obviously move around in these locations, they apparently do remain within a specific region. Recently I was told of a sighting 30 years ago on a particular ranch; here are more recent sighting within a 10 mile radius of this ranch. When another researcher and I went to the ranch we were able to solicit vocals from three apparent Sasquatch who approached to within 150 yards of our location. The vocals came from three separate positions, all within about 800 feet of each other. The time between the vocals was such that there was no doubt that there were three Sas present. Their approach was in response to various oral vocals we made. The property owner said he had heard those sounds before and had attributed them to local animals, saying also that he realized local animals could not make the vocals we heard that night. He simply hadn't any other explanation for the sounds he had been hearing. I find this to be the case many times. Property owners will tell of a cougar screaming nearby, yet when questioned about the nature of the scream they will describe a sound that is not made by a large cat but are vocals we ascribe to Sasquatch. Property owners are simply unaware of Sasquatch and are crediting what they have heard to local fauna. Is it important to discuss whether they "migrate" or not? Perhaps, but as one researcher has said,” I want to know what they actually and verifiably do -- not what's "guessed" they do." We use hypotheses as relates to scientific inquiry into the phenomena of Sasquatch. Yet any hypothesis must have some valid foundation for being posited. I believe the work of David Paulides provides credible insight into Sas movements over extended periods of time and contains data which has application to this discussion. It is reasonable to ask what is required to advance this research and what is required if we are to learn more regarding Sasquatch movements and home territories? I find that it requires a great deal of leg work to interview witnesses and even more of actual field investigation in search of physical evidence of their activity and the vocalizations they make. Personal verification in the field is, in my opinion, absolutely essential. It is of course through field work that we hope to document these beings as we seek their recognition by the scientific world." (John Morley)
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Sean Forker from Williamsport, Pennsylvania shared his opinion: “I am personally of the opinion that favors the migration theory, however not like the typical migration seen in known animals. Bigfoot migration is a very interesting topic to me, specifically because our group back East (Anomalis) is beginning a mapping project regarding identity of behavior. Possible results from this will give us the possible ability to determine when to deploy into the field, and when to expect sightings to increase, as well as probable location. Gives us a better sense of awareness for when and where we should be out there. It hopefully will narrow down the guessing game. However I do not feel it is a migration in the true definition. I believe rainfall amounts, moon cycles, seasons – are all relevant to this. You don't see a lot of information on Bigfoot migration out there. If anyone knows of good sources for this information – maybe they can drop an email.” (Sean Forker)
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One woman who has Sasquatches in close proximity is Mary Green in Tennessee. Mary had this to add to the opinions here: "I have seen NO sign of migration with my locals. I am able to call them up any time of the year if at night. Any sightings during the day are unusual but I have had several close sightings during the day. It is my opinion that once an area gets too crowded they do go in search of areas and lands where food is more abundant. But as far as regular migratory routes, I have not seen this occur. On rare occasions a male might wander through a territory in search of a female. I'm certain this occurs. Generally the females go with a male to other areas where more food sources are available as the females do not seem to travel separately but always in a family type group. They do not seem to be governed by blood relations but only by acceptance to the group. Newcomers have to be accepted first. I cannot prove a word of this. I can only state what I have observed.” (Mary Green)
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Donna Cohrs: “I don't think Bigfoot migrate. I think they follow the food and water sources in their areas. How big those areas are is a question no one can answer right now. Like humans, bears, coyotes, cougars, and a number of other animals, I feel they have a territory. They will stay in a given area, whether that area is 10 square miles, 100 square miles, or 500 square miles. They have no need to migrate, especially in this country, were they have an abundance of food and water sources within a given territorial area all year round. It may be scarce at times, but it's the same for other animals in the wild. Birds migrate for nesting, mating, and feeding. Bigfoot does not have to. I don't know how it is in the PNW, but down here in the south, there is ample food and water for a large population of primates to survive without any problem. Bigfoot, in my opinion, are omnivores. They will take advantage of whatever food source is available in their territory. They will eat vegetation, kill their own food, and scavenge …whatever it takes. It's really rather simple. All other animals in a given area survive the seasons, why not Bigfoot? Native Americans have done it for centuries, why not a hominid that is so close to the human line?” (Donna Cohrs)
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Ron Morehead: “Many know of my involvement with the Sierra Sounds — elevation of our camp is 8,400'. After my involvement with this phenomenon was made known to this community of Mariposa, CA., (near Yosemite National Park, elevation 2,000'), I've had several people come forth and claim sightings nearby — most in the winter months when the high country is blanketed with snow. From a local deputy to a lady that claims they pass through her property in the fall and again in the spring, my conclusion is simple … they follow the food and deer migrate.” (Ron Morehead)
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There were a few in research who wrote in to say they thought the Sasquatch people would come down in the early evening from the high altitude areas to drink at lower water tributaries, to bath, do a bit of fishing and perhaps hunt. Others told me these were the hours spent pillaging corn fields, restaurant garbage dumpsters, orchards in seasonal fruit and vegetable gardens etc. The participants in this survey felt that the ‘feet' returned to the high altitudes before dawn; none of them thought this to be anything close to a true migration.

It's crazy sometimes, people love drama but the consensus appears to be that no one has observed evidence for consistent migration in the same sense as we might see in caribou and bird migrations.

Do the big folk move about in a large range area? Yes, there is plenty of evidence to support that notion.

One last thought I would like to impart before I'm finished with this topic and it came to mind as I was reviewing “The Jerry Crew Story,” which still sits idle in my database. As the Block Construction Company was pushing the road through from Willow Creek, California to points north toward the Oregon border, we noticed certain track makers left their calling cards in the form of footprints in the newly graded dirt road; these were preserved for posterity by many, in particular Jerry Crew, Ed Patrick, Syl McCoy, Bob Titmus, Green, Dahinden and others including the 17” tracks with the 52 inch stride Roger Patterson found up on Laird Meadow Road on August 21, 1964. The first notice of these tracks was the year the road construction got underway, 1957.

During a Blogtalkradio interview Don Keating had with John Green in September of 2007, I phoned in and asked him approximately how many different sets of Bigfoot tracks were cast in those days? John replied “no less than 5 and possibly as many as 7 different sets of tracks. Some tracks were reasonably like others but they had, he thought, differences in the substrate or casting techniques that made him unsure of the count.

Those tracks hung around and were seen in the area, cast & photographed from 1957 until October of 1967. After that October, those tracks were never seen, never cast again, not to my knowledge. Why?

We know there are ‘feet' still living who call that area ‘home' because there are all manner of tracks still being cast and photographed in that region including baby tracks; if they are bearing children, life must still be good in that range. But what we don't see and haven't seen since October of 1967 are the tracks of the 5 or more individuals once seen so often on Blue Creek Mountain Road or Bluff Creek.

For the sake of discussion, let's say there were at least five maybe seven Sasquatch individuals, who didn't migrate; who stayed in the area roaming around for ten years. They were seemingly greatly disturbed or annoyed by the loud groaning of the heavy road equipment, yet they stuck it out and stayed…for years. Their tracks were cast by many over a ten year span; suddenly after October of 1967 they no longer exist, not in California, not in neighboring Oregon or Nevada.

What happened to the Sasquatches that left those tracks? Did a half-dozen members of that Bluff Creek Bigfoot tribe simply take off, if so why have their tracks not been seen elsewhere in the years that followed? Why have their footprints never been seen again? The bigger question might be why hasn't this question been posed by research before this?

© Bobbie Short …


Grateful appreciation to all who participated in this exercise: Ray Crowe, Mike Dardanos, Mike Rugg, Dmitri Bayanov, Dr. Blake Mathys, Dr. Connie Cameron, Don Keating, Diane Stocking,  Hugh White, Jim Foote, Will Duncan, William Dranginis, Linda Coil Suchy, Ron Morehead, Jenny Green, John Morley, Thom Powell, Roger Knights, Ron Schaffner, Sean Forker, Mary Green, Donna Cohrs and Ivan Sanderson...

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