Monday Morning February 4, 1880
Walker County, GA "A Wild Man in Walker"
The wild man has again made his appearance. He was seen last week near High Point by a reliable gentleman who was searching along the spurs of Lookout Mountain for mineral indications.
On arriving at the head of the hollow, just above Mrs. Oliver's his attention was attracted by thrilling screams on the side of the high spur that he had just passed along the trail below. He looked in the direction from which the noise came. What should he see but the wild man. When his fright cooled down, he discovered that the old fellow was not making any move towards him, but was standing erect and shaking his fist at him and showing signs that were not favorable to a human being.
Therefore, get away was thought about immediately, but before starting he thought he would examine the wild gentleman more minutely. He was about 100 yards from him but could distinctly see his teeth, nose and eyes and describes him thus: Was about 7 or 7 1/2 feet high, hairy as an old bear and would weigh from his looks, 400 pounds; had a pole in one hand that looked to be ten foot long which he handled as easy as a stout, healthy man would a pipestem. His name was asked and the answer came in the shape of a large stone, which weighed at least 100 pounds, which was hurled at the inquisitive gentleman. This being done, there was no time left for any further inquiry, consequently he tried the working speed of his legs and feet, which worked most excellent until he arrived at Frank Carter's shop, almost breathless. As soon as he could narrate his story, a crowd was collected which started in search of the wild man of Lookout Mountain. -- Walker County Messenger.
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This 130 year old story comes courtesy Scott McClean, an archivist in California May 2010

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