As reported earlier, favorable conditions have been shaping up in the Kemerovo Region of Siberia for hominological expeditions and other fieldwork in the area thanks to the interest for the subject displayed by the regional authorities and personally by Governor Aman Tuleyev. "Snowman Day" has been declared in the Region, to be marked in November, and the Governor announced a million ruble reward to the person who would bring a snowman to him for a tea party.
Taking this into consideration, Igor Burtsev (he spells his last name this way now), on behalf of the International Center of Hominology in Moscow, has come up with the proposal to set up a Hominology Institute in the Kemerovo Region. This proposal has been addressed to the regional authorities, who were provided with the following items of relevant information: a list of Russian scientists and researchers supportive of the subject; some periodical publications, such as Hominology Herald, website materials, books on the subject, conference perspectives, etc. The proposal has been approved and supported by Sergey Shatirov, Senator in the Russian Federation Council from the Kemerovo Region, who sent a corresponding letter to Governor Aman Tuleyev. The latter, in his turn, has approved the idea and instructed his officials to set up a Hominology Institute at Kemerovo State University.
In addition, it has been in principle decided to hold in the Kemerovo Region this summer a scientific conference on theoretical and practical aspects of hominology, with possible participation of researchers from Russia, U.S.A., Canada, China, Mongolia, Germany, France, Australia, and other countries. To help work on these plans in practice, Igor Burtsev is to fly on a business trip to the Kemerovo Region on Monday.
International Center of Hominology
Saturday, January 29, 2011
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