
Lummi Indian Reservation
Whatcom County, Washington

October, 1975, see territorial map below:

In the fall of 1975, a police officer, answering a prowler-call told of encountering a sasquatch. The officer was a sergeant on the Lummi Indian Reservation in Washington State.

Throughout the early part of October he along with other officers had answered several calls concerning some creature that made loud noises in the vicinity of houses, and there had been four reports of hairy bipeds being seen. On one occasion the captain of the police force had shot with his revolver at an animal he saw in the bush beside a field that appeared to be about six feet tall and hair-covered. The descriptions given indicated that more than one creature was being seen, although not more than one at a time.

Then again on October 23, around 7:30 p.m., the same sergeant was called to a house where something had been heard pounding on the back wall. The woman who lived there had gone next door to her son's home, and there was no prowler in sight, but something had apparently torn a plastic cover off a back doorway and there was a broken window.

At 2:20 a.m. the same night something was again reported behind the house, and when the sergeant arrived, along with several other people, their spotlight quickly picked up what looked like a very large ape standing in the back yard.

While someone else held the light on it, the sergeant walked up to within 35 feet of the animal, which crouched down but made no attempt to run. There they stayed, for "many minutes", while the sergeant wondered what to do next.

He had a shotgun loaded with buckshot, but he was not sure if the thing was some kind of human, and if it wasn't, he was not sure how much buckshot it could take. He noted afterwards in his report that it was black in color, would stand about seven to eight feet tall and appeared to have no neck. It was covered with short hair, except on the face. He could see no ears. The eyes were small. It appeared to have four teeth larger than the others, two upper and two lower. Its nose was fiat. He could see the nostrils.

By that time there were seven people there, all of whom could see the thing, although only two others had approached close to it. Then there were noises heard off in the dark on both sides, and the man with the spotlight swung it off to the right and called that there was "another one over there."

At that point the sergeant decided to return to his patrol car.
- ---
The Lummi Reservation is seven miles northwest of Bellingham, Washington, in the western portion of Whatcom County - -

95 miles north of Seattle.
The reservation is a five mile long peninsula which forms Lummi Bay on the west, Bellingham Bay on the east, with a smaller peninsula of Sandy Point, Portage Island and the associated tidelands.
See old 1855 Map below.

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