Bigfoot Encounters PHOTO OF THE DAY: "Hairy head..." The SkyValley Chronicle, Everett, Washington The detail in this carving is amazing... |
The head is the top of a Sasquatch (Bigfoot) wood sculpture that resides outside an espresso stand on U.S. highway 2 here in the Sky Valley (just past the bustling metropolis of Index where all the women are strong and pump iron and all the men are way pretty and wear pancake makeup). The statue watches over all the cars that travel up and down the Highway Of Death all day long (about 14,000 vehicles a day). The espresso stand has something to do with, or a connection to a movie from the 1980’s about Bigfoot called Harry & The Hendersons starring John Lithgow. It’s possible a scene from the movie was filmed there. Hard to say. The movie also had a scene filmed on location in West Seattle and in downtown Seattle at a one time legendary outdoor store (Warshall’s) that is no longer there. Warshall’s was a great place in which to spend a Saturday afternoon. They had it all; guns galore, ammo, stuffed dead mammals on the walls (big ones), the best, most complete photography shop around, outdoor clothing and all kinds of gear like packs and ice axes and boots and ski clothes, skis, outdoor junk of all kind. God, but it was a great place. It was a veritable emporium of products that personified the true, gritty Northwest outdoor lifestyle. But Warshall's eventually went away as do all things in time. At some point in the future even the big hairy head attached to that big wooden body on Highway 2 will be gone. Then who will watch over all the cars that pass by every day? Portions of this website are reprinted and sometimes edited to fit the standards |