Bigfoot Encounters Scientists disapprove of 'Bigfoot' reward Xinhua News Agency, China |
Beijing, May 17, 1995. (UPI) — Scientists searching central China's forests for a legendary being
said they oppose any offer of a reward for the capture of a half-human and half-ape creature known as
"Bigfoot," the official Xinhua news agency reported Wednesday. The 30-member research team expressed concerns that people "driven by greed," may harm wildlife and the natural environment in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve in Hubei province, the site of the Bigfoot probe. The scientists left Beijing early this month and arrived at Shiyan, the nearest city to the reserve, May 9. Armed with night-scopes, satellite orientation equipment and infra-red detectors, they are scouring the forests and peaks reaching more than 10,230 feet (3,100 m) high.
Published reports have said anyone who captures or kills a Bigfoot will receive a reward, although reserve
officials and the Shiyan city government denied making such an offer. During the past 70 years, hundreds
of people have claimed to see the creature, with most describing a 6-foot-6-inch (2-meter) being walking
upright, covered in long red hair and leaving 16-inch-long (40 cm) footprints. Obtaining evidence that
proves or disproves the existence of Bigfoot is of great importance, Wang Fangchen, head of the team,
told Xinhua.
Xinhua News Agency, China. Source: W. Fangchen
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