Bigfoot Encounters

Montgomery County, Dickerson, Maryland 1990

By Mark Opsasnick

At 1:00 a.m. on the morning of May 14, 1990, a 32 year-old Peggy Nichols was awakened by an unusual scream coming from the backyard of her home on Dickerson Road, in Dickerson, Maryland (30 miles northwest of Washington DC and 12 miles south of Frederick, Maryland).

Having heard the nocturnal screams for several weeks (and assuming they were form wild cats), Peggy Nichols quickly rose and alerted her 25 year-old sister Carol to the fact that 'it' was black.

The pair cautiously opened their back porch door and saw a "great big hairy" creature moving through a corner of their backyard about 30 feet away. Claiming the creature was only in view for a second or two, they describe it as walking upright and standing nearly 7 feet tall. No other characteristics were observed before the creature moved off into the woods.

All five members of the Nichols household stated to this investigator that the screams had persisted for several weeks dating back to March 1990 and other area residents assumed they came from the same screaming felines which had given nearby Wildcat Creek its name.

It should be noted that the Frederick area has hosted Bigfoot-type monster reports dating back to the 1800's and also that the Montgomery County Police and Washington Times reporter Matt Neufeld had received reports of Bigfoot sightings from Poolesvile area which is 5 miles south of Dickerson back in 1986.

Strange Research and Investigations has had investigators closely monitoring the Dickerson Road area everyday and night since we learned of this incident. Anyone interested in more information can contact us at P.O. Box 2246, Rockville, MD 20847.
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Mark Opsasnick's "The Maryland Bigfoot Digest;" is a 156 page comprehensive survey of creature sightings in the Free State. In this offering of extensive research, author Mark Opsasnick describes his indoctrination into the world of monsters, offers detailed coverage of such legendary beasts as the Sykesville Monster, the Harewood Park Monster, and the Harford County Bigfoot and rounds out his work with an impressive roster of 300 alleged sightings of Bigfoot-type creatures in his home state of Maryland. It is available on for $20.00.

This article is from anthropologist Dr. Connie Cameron's Bigfoot Co-Op Newsletter 1990

Article courtesy Peter Guttilla 2010

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