Bigfoot Encounters

Bernalillo County, New Mexico
Albuquerque Journal October 14, 1968

The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico

34 year old newspaper article from The Albuquerque Journal:
October 14, 1968 by Ernie Heltsley (may read Beltsley, article is old and blurred)

An abominable monster covered with hair and with a blank face was reported roaming the South Valley Thursday night "crying like a baby."

City police were skeptical but early skepticism by the Bernalillo County Sheriff's department faded with increasing calls "about the monster." Compounding the confusion which arose after the Clifford McGuire family of 415 Wilshire SW reported a monster was spooking their children were reports of an explosion on San Mateo NE and of a black object attacking a woman in the 7700 block of Don NE.

Police could find neither the source of the explosion nor the "thing" which attacked the woman. But members of the McGuire family almost make believers out of Deputy Sheriff Dale Knable and Art Fusco. "I'm not going to speculate as to what it is - but there is something out there," Knable said, adding all members of the McGuire family seemed pretty rational.

On the prowl for weeks.
They told Fusco a monster about 5 feet tall, hairy and with a small blank face has roamed through their backyard several times in the past three weeks and again Thursday night.

McGuire's children are afraid to sleep in their back bedroom and the McGuire's 18 years old son said he went out to investigate one night and was stuck by the monster. The youth passed out and awoke to find only fork-like marks, similar to footprints on the ground, deputies were told.

Every time the monster comes around, the McGuires said their radio quits playing and every time the older son hears it "cry like a baby" his chest begins hurting all over again where the monster reportedly hit him.

One solution:
Officers have seen the fork-like marks, heard the story several times, and heard the story several times. But the best solution they can offer is to try and catch an animal of some type or a prankster. McGuire said he didn't report the incident before this week "because I thought people would think we were crazy."

© The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico
October 14, 1968
Credit Source from the .pdf files of Ron Schaffner
October 15, 1968 (next day article, same encounter) Anyone Else Seen Him?

The monster: Is it myth, fiction or real - an animal or a human? Sheriff's officers and police had lots of theories Friday and both law enforcement agencies and the Journal received a number of phone calls about the so-called blank faced monster. "So far," said Deputies Dale Knable and Art Fusco, "we've had reports only from the Clifford McGuire Family, 415 Wilshire SW that they have seen the creature."

Knable said officers are attempting to locate other people who also got a glimpse of what McGuire said was a monster "covered with hair and with a blank face." McGuire said the "monster" has been seen around his home off and on for about three weeks, said Knable. The reports have stimulated all kinds of speculation and Knable has a couple of theories of his own.

"It could be a prankster or it could be some kind of animal which has been spending the summer in the growth of trees and bushes along the Rio Grande and since it has turned cooler at night is looking for a warm place to stay" said Knable.

Although police and the sheriff's office have found no reports of missing animals, which could fit the description of the "monster," Albuquerque Zoo Director John Roth, came up with a possible explanation. Roth pointed out there is a South American species of nocturnal monkey named "Dourouculi," which is sometimes sold in pet shops. Roth described the Dourouculi as a "pretty good sized Monkey with a white face, dark fur and a long tail.

"Perhaps such a monkey might have escaped from its owner or a pet shop," he added.
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© The Albuquerque Journal October 15, 1968
Credit Source: from the .pdf files of Ron Schaffner January 2002 -

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