Bigfoot Encounters

Californians Out To Bag Legendary 'Sasquatch' 1934

April 9, 1934 -- Vancouver B.C. — (U.P.)—America's first sasquatch-catching expedition headed into the mountains of British Columbia to-day on a hunt for the horrible, hairy, naked bogey-man of Indian legend.

J. F. Blakeney and C. K. Blakeney, brothers, of Sacramento, medical students at the University of California, read reports of frightened tribesmen that the giant baby-snatcher of old had been seen recently in the mountain of Harrison Lake and determined to attempt to photograph or lasso a "sasquatch."

The fabled sasquatch, as described in Indian lore for hundreds of years, is about as villainous a phantasm as ever frightened a little papoose anywhere, but adult Indians also are fearful of the monsters.

They are supposed to lurk in caves and glades of British Columbia, coming out in the twilight to peer moodily into Indian teepees, to glower and snatch at children, to steal food, play diabolical tricks, and even kill warriors.

"Our professor of anthropology will be much interested" said the Blakeneys, as they left for the haunts of the sasquatch.

British Columbia is a happy hunting ground for weird legends, and there is no lack of witnesses who will swear to them, as hundreds have sworn they have seen the sheep-headed fresh-water serpent of Lake Okanagan, Ogopog0 and the two big salt-water sea-serpents, hiaschuckaluck cadborosaurus and his "wife," Amy.

The Fresno Bee (Fresno, CA), 1934-04-09, p. 1.

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